Thursday, May 8, 2008

Feeling Better

Anya woke up yesterday morning feeling pretty well so I prepared some breakfast for her. After just a few bites, she threw up what she had eaten so we called the nurse again. The nurse said again that we could bring her in or keep her home: we decided to keep her home. The nurse also suggested a bread and water diet - which Anya was not thrilled about! :)

But shortly after she lost her breakfast, Anya was up playing and didn't have any more complaints all day. So we're guessing that either she had a little virus or that the steroids caused problems with the acidity in her stomach as they have in the past. We'll have to see if the doctors want her to go back on the stomach medicine during her next round of steroids.

But we're thankful Anya is up and playing with no more diet restrictions!

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