Friday, October 17, 2008

October Appointment

Anya's October appointment was this morning. Everything went smoothly; she received her regular chemotherapy through her IV and had a great time playing in the playroom.

One of my (Anna) favorite things about going with Anya to her appointments is having the opportunity to meet other children who have leukemia or other forms of cancer and their families. Today we met a 13 year old girl who travels over 200 miles 4 out of every 6 Fridays for chemo treatment to fight a tumor behind her eye. On top of dealing with her own physical problems, less than two years ago she lost her mother to a cancerous brain tumor! So her now single father is responsible for her medical care, and the regular care of her younger sister while grieving over the loss of his wife. When I meet children like this, I am reminded of just how blessed we are. Thank you, Lord.

1 comment:

Susy said...

How blessed we really really are! And it makes me feel so helpless. Hearing about this and not being able to do anything about it makes me sad. How does God keep track of all of us? It's amazing. Blessings to you guys, Anna. Loved the pics in your most recent blog.
