Her monthly clinic visit went very smoothly. She received her usual preventative antibiotic, medicine to sooth her stomach, and IV chemo medication. Her ANC (absolute neutropil count, or the number of a certain type of white blood cells in her body) was still high so they increased the dose of her daily chemo medication by one pill per week.
The past few months we have taken Anya to church on Saturday morning, even though she was on steroids, because she had only had three doses by that point and we knew that she enjoys going to sing to Jesus and to see friends. But this week we decided to keep her home - she seemed to do much better all day! The stimuli of leaving the house and being around so many people must have been wearing her out. So perhaps now we'll just keep her home each month. We'll see...
Israel's mom (otherwise known as "Mammy) and step-brother came to visit about a week and a half ago and just left this afternoon. It was nice for us to get to see them again and for the girls to get to bond with them a little bit. We only get to see Israel's family on rare occasions since they all live on the West Coast so visits are a real treat! Just before Mammy left, she bought Anya & Esther some fun craft supplies - we can't wait to use them! Thanks Mammy!
Here are some pictures of their visit:
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