Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Smooth Clinic Visit

Anya had her monthly clinic appointment last Friday and things went very well. The medical staff didn't have any trouble accessing her port, like they did last time, praise the Lord. She had a good time playing in the playroom and made several crafts.

Her healthy blood cell counts are higher than the doctors like them to be during this stage so they have upped one of her chemo medications. If we go back again and the counts are still higher, the doctors will up the daily chemo medication.

We also found out that Anya's last day of treatment is October 25, 2009. When the doctor told me this date, it was hard moment for me. I guess I had hoped that we were further along and that we were around the year mark. I just can't wait for all of this to be over. I feel for the mothers and fathers who have children with lifelong health problems, may God give them the strength and joy they need to endure.

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