Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Uneventful Week

This has been a very uneventful week since Anya isn't scheduled for another chemo treatment until tomorrow. Anya has continued to be nauseous off and on and is more fussy than usual but overall she is feeling good.

Israel took advantage of this break and left last Wednesday night for another visit to Kansas City. I spoke with him last night and it sounds like he's had a great time visiting with the families of our church. He was planning to spend his last night of his visit going out with a few friends to Buffalo Wild Wings to take the "Blazing Fire" Challenge. (We all have to have a little fun!) Israel plans to drive back today and should be here by later this evening.

My brother Alan, who goes to school in Cleveland, visited us this weekend. The girls ate up his attention...it was nice to have him around.


Barb said...

Hey Anna and Israel!
So glad you got the comments up. I hope you know that all of us at CCC continue to keep Anya and all of you in our prayers. You will always be family!

Anya said...

Thank you for your continued prayers! We consider you our family too. It would be a dream to return there to see everyone again.